Sunday, April 20, 2008

Farewell, Titania

A sad day has come to pass.

Titania (my motorcycle) must be sold, ending my riding days for the time being.

I really enjoy riding, and with gas prices going the way they are, the miles per gallon (around 40) on it were killer. But, with a kid on the way, there are some things that are just more important. I have confidence in my riding skills, and my commute to work is only 4 miles now, but I do cross 2 major roads, and the off chance that some moron running a red or swerving to make that last-second turn and ramming me just isn't worth it.

When we first found out the baby was coming I didn't even consider selling the bike, but things change, as they must, and if I want to be the father I truly want to be then I don't want to tempt that fate by continuing on with something that could stop it before it starts.

So I'm selling little Titania and buying my self a sweet digital SLR camera, and putting the rest of the money away towards the house we're wanting to buy when our lease on our apartment is up in a year. And my riding days may be over for now, but in the future that may or may not change (though I tend to believe the former).

But right now, I have a little monster coming, and it's going to change a lot more things than whether or not I have a motorcycle.

And I couldn't be more excited about it.
Update: Titania has been sold after on one day on craigslist! I didn't quite get what I payed for her, but I came pretty close, and that's good enough for me.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Wow the maturity/selfless gene that comes with conception already hit you!

Isn't it funny how that happens?