Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Big News!

Yesterday morning:

The sky is dark outside, and I'm asleep. Well, more like dead to the world, when the Little Kitty (my wife) comes in and wakes me up:

"Hun! Hun! Get up, you gotta see this!"

"Ungrhrhgrghrg...time'sit?" I say, as I look at the clock.

My mind slowly realizes that yes, the clock does say that its 4 AM, and something in the back of my mind tells me I'm not sleeping till 6:45 like usual today. As I stumble into the bathroom, my eyes, which at first were hurting by the eeeeevil light, slowly adjust. The sight of a pregnancy test comes into view.

"It came back positive!" says the wife.
"Huh?" says my mouth as my brain starts wracking me with questions and advice ("Don't say 'huh'! Your having a flippin' baby! Wake up!").

Comprehension finally settles in as the rest of me wakes up just enough to not sound retarded.

"That's great! Woo!" I say as I hug and kiss her. And I am excited. But in reality its 4 in the morning and my body hasn't finished waking up. So we talk about it for a couple of minutes and go to lay back down, her telling me to get some more sleep so that I can be awake for work tomorrow.

Ever tried going to sleep right after hearing that you're having a baby? Doesn't happen. So we layed there for about an hour, talking occasionally, the rest of the time thinking of all the things that are about to happen while at the same time realizing that we don't know anything about what's going to happen.

So we walk to HEB to get another pregnancy test, finding out that they don't open for another hour. So we do the only natural thing we can think of.

Go to Kirby Lane and stuff our faces.

So back to HEB, get another test, and take it, just to be sure.

Yup, 'Pregnant' says the test, much to our delight.

I have no idea what's about to happen to my life, but I sure am looking forward to it, even if its going to be terrifying and new and completely turn my life upside down. You know what though? I need a change. Its about time I got that push to become the man I've always wanted to be.

Update: The Little Kitty went to the doctor yesterday to get a blood test, just to be really really certain. Sure enough, doc called back this morning saying that it is officially official that she's pregnant.

Release the beast!


Megan said...

We are sooooo thrilled for you guys. We always love it when one of our friends join the world of parents.

It will COMPLETELY change your life, but in the best way possible. Comgratulations to the two of you!

Megan said...

I meant Congratulations.

Spell check...

I had to comment because I actually caught this spelling mistake. That doesn't usually happen. :)