Friday, August 29, 2008

Sleep Experiment - Day 2

2:08 AM: This morning hurt pretty bad getting out of bed, but funny thing, I'm actually not that much more tired than when I woke up getting ready to go to work. I am definitely more tired, just not as nightmarishly so as I had envisioned. I'm going to jump in the shower to help get the blood moving and then do some chores to keep me moving. I'm really finding it odd that I'm not dead this morning. Heck, I did manage to write this blog post! Lol.

5:51 AM: I'm a bit more tired than I was yesterday morning at this time, but still nothing like I expected. Been up for nearly 4 hours now, so far I've taken the clean dishes out of the dishwasher and put the dirty ones in, washed the pots, cleaned out the fridge, disinfected the fridge and counters, and swept and disinfected the kitchen floor. I've also played video games, watched the first episode of Heroes, and written on the blog for the second time. Have I mentioned how long a day lasts now? Psychologically it's a very strange feeling, kind of like it's still before most people are even awake? I'm glad I took the day off of work. I wouldn't be in a very good mood if I had to go and do work stuff from 8-5. As it is, it's like I get a free extra Saturday! As such, gonna go watch some anime before nap time from 6:40-7.

10:28 PM: The day has been pretty good, not overly tired or anything. Right now though I'm ready to go to sleep. Kinda waiting for the other shoe to drop and see if I really get exhausted. Guess we'll find out tomorrow!

1 comment:

Cheri (aka "The Mom Lady") said...

Okay, that means you've officially cleaned your kitchen - nay - DISINFECTED it - two days in a row.

And you're a man.

We women officially hate you.

Except for Little Kitty who must rise up and call you BLESSED (after a full 7 hours sleep that is...she IS sleeping "for two"....)