Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sleep Experiment '08!

Sorry I haven't written very much the last few weeks. Things at work have gone pretty crazy, but it's all settling down now.

This post is a warning about the next week or so.

Tomorrow night I plan on starting my adaptation to a polyphasic sleep schedule. This will (hopefully) enable me to sleep less and stay up more, since I really dislike sleep for the most part and have a LOT of things I want to learn and do and explore. My current schedule is set to be:

11 PM - 2 AM: Anchor sleep. This is where I get the majority of my rest.

7 AM, 12 PM, 5:30 PM: 20 minute nap

I've done a lot of research on this, reading up on people who have done it and continue to do it, what horrors to expect, and ways to stay on schedule and not mess up so that the adjustment is as quick as possible. So why do this?

Well, as I stated before, I want to do a lot of things, such as catch up on reading and studying, learn guitar and origami, exercise, play some games, and lots of other stuff. I never have time to do all the things I'm interested in, so this gives me an opportunity to do them. As the saying goes, work smarter, not harder. Hopefully it will work, and if it doesn't, well, I'll have to try again in another few months with another plan in mind.

I'll try to keep the blog updated with the current standings on how things are going. If something get's typed that's really weird, chances are I'm having sleep deprivation and I'm not thinking totally straight. The hardest part of the adaptation is making it through the sleep dep short-term so that you force your brain to begin working more efficiently and use the time it has better.
Oh, and if I pull it off, that means that from 2 AM - 7 AM the Little Kitty won't have to stay up with the baby. We won't have to be the crazy-tired new parents! How great would that be?

So wish me luck and see you on the other side!

1 comment:

Cheri (aka "The Mom Lady") said...

For REAL?? (sleep thing) If it works, I'm truly happy for you. But just thinking about it makes me feel pain! Good luck!! If you pull it off, your wife will certainly rise (after 8 hours of sleep? :) and call you blessed!