Thursday, May 29, 2008


Widgets are pretty neat things. You can see that I've added a countdown timer for when the baby is supposed to be here. Every week the picture will change and bit by bit you can see what stage it's in as is grows into a larger little monster. Hoorah!

In other news, the Little Kitty has decided to change doctors. While the last one seemed perfectly confident, she didn't really seem that excited about what was going on. Her nurse was very nice and joyful for us, but she had this kind of "meh" attitude which kind of turned us off. The new guy (yes, guy) is supposed to be really good and was suggested by our general practitioner, and we go to the appointment with the new doc on Monday. I think I'm going to try and steal a friends audio recorder and record the heartbeat. That'd be fun. :-)

Other than those couple of updates, there's not a lot to report. I will however have a new post once we get back to the doctor, complete with new pictures (hopefully) to put up. I've also gotta find where the wifey put the ultrasound picture and get it posted...maybe I'll remember that next time too!

I hope my kids get the Little Kitty's memory, mine seems to short out way too often, heh.

As a side note, I doubt our doctor will be as sinister as Doctor Wiley at the top, but it's the only picture I could find, so there. :-)


1 comment:

Emily said...

I have a "guy" doctor, whom I love, and he delivered both my kiddos. People sometimes wonder about having a guy doctor but I always said that when you are preggo, you need someone who you get along with and works well with you.

Congrats, by the way!