Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hallelujah | Family News

Thought for the day:

If you haven't heard the song Hallelujah written by Leonard Cohen, you're missing out, really. Go listen to it, like now, on YouTube or somethin'.

One of my favorite lines from the song is "Love is not a victory march, it's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah".

Love's victory comes from it's permanence. It stems from it's unceasing devotion to that which it is given. Love itself is not the victory march. It will lead us to victory, if we let it, but love is more than the warm feelings and fuzzy bunnies. I think that true love, the kind of love that we show our spouses, our children, and our families, the kind of love that God shows us, is so much deeper than that. It's the love that caused the Christ, the Son of the Most High, to become that cold and broken hallelujah, and to do it willingly, and with what I believe is joy to be able to show our fallen race how much He loves us.

In other news:

Haden is doing great. He's got the flop-crawl thing going, which can be pretty funny. He can turn in circles but can't crawl forwards yet, and he's learned a new bladder control trick where he saves up all the pee he can and let's it all go in one diaper. Yeah...babies are weird.

Also, if you haven't seen it already, scroll down to the post below this one. We had a mini photo day, and those were the better ones that came out of it. Sometime coming up we're gonna have individual portrait day, so when we do that those pictures will be up as well (I love taking pictures, it really is way fun).

On a completely different topic, the fan on my video card broke, so I have to send it in to get it repaired and replaced. This means probably a week or 2 with gimped computer, which makes me sad and slightly irritated, but that's life I guess.

Also, the Little Kitty is doing pretty well. Man I love her. She's a very calming presence for the Little Monster. It seems that I've kind of turned into a big toy for him, but when he wants the better things in life (comfort, support, a place to nap), she's the one he's yelping (yes, yelping!) for.

Well, for a 2 part post I think this is probably enough to write about. Everyone be safe out there and remember who you are and whose you are!

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