Thursday, June 18, 2009

Back from the Maelstrom

Before we begin, allow me to apologize for not writing for the last 6 months. It's no excuse, but it's been a crazy blur with getting used to the Little Monster, as well as several other factors which will be discussed shortly.

Now, however, things will be different. There will be a schedule (gasp!), which will probably be a post every Wednesday late-night / early Thursday morning. I figure if I set aside a specific time to do this, then I'll likely be able to keep up with it. So anyway, on with the (massively long) update on our lives.

In February, my new exciting position in the Marketing department of a large oil company was downsized during a Series of Unfortunate Events (a.k.a. wide-scale corporate downsizing). This presented the crew with a choice. I could get a new job somewhere else, work my way up again, and continue down that path, or I could change direction and do something that had been on my mind for the last 6 or 7 years.

We chose to change the direction of the ship.

After much soul searching, praying, and research, I decided (with the Little Kitty on board, of course), to go into ministry, specifically youth and family ministry (I can post the details of it later, but this post is more of a general overview of where we are now). So the crew has moved to Lubbock, TX, where I will Lord willing be attending the Sunset International Bible Institute with a focus on Youth and Family ministry. This is not to say that, should I feel compelled to do so, I cannot switch to another type of ministry, but right now this is where I feel the call to be.

So the ship sailed, and grew as well! If of course, you consider the ship to be our home, and the whole sailing thing our move. Our new home is so much larger than our tiny apartment back in Austin. We actually have room to put things, room for the Little Monster to play, and even room to keep the place clean! Please don't ask why I'm on an "Out at Sea" theme tonight, as I have no idea, heh.

Special props by the way to my big little brother and dad for helping us move everything and get it unpacked. Also, props to everyone who helped us load and/or unload the storage unit so we could get everything here. We love all of you, and miss you greatly.

The Little Monster has gotten a lot bigger as well. He now weighs nearly a whopping 16 pounds!!! If you recall, when he was born he was a mere 7 pounds 11 ounces. My Little Monster is becoming much bigger very quickly.

His mobility has also increased. While he cannot quite crawl yet, he does have the whole rolling thing down pretty well. So far when he tries to crawl, however, he only uses his feet, and rubs his face into the carpet. This, of course, hurts (ever dragged your face on the ground?), which makes him cry and complain. The funny part about this is it doesn't stop him. He just keeps dragging his face along the ground until he gets where he wants. Of course, by the time he gets there, he's often so mad that he doesn't care that he's reached his objective, and wants one of us instead. He's stubborn like that. I blame his momma (love you honey!).

So here we are. School starts in August, I'll be working day-jobs until then, and life plugs along. There will be some visual changes to the blog as well, so keep an eye out for it! There may even be an extra post or two in the next week or so, as I have a little extra time and a lot to write about.

So farewell! So long! And see you soon!


Amber said...

I was wondering how you all were doing. Thanks for the update and picture. What a cutie!

Amber Weed

Lela said...

Hooray! You're back! I was afraid I'd never know what was going on with y'all now that you're in Lubbock. So keep the updates coming! I want to keep an eye on the little one and know when he'll be ready to entertain his big cousin at the family get-togethers. :)

--Nicki said...

What a cute little guy you have there!

Great to hear about you and your family! I hope things go well for you guys in your new place.