At 8 weeks, the little monster looks something like this:
So we're almost at 8 weeks, which means we're almost at our first doctor's appointment! It's strange and exciting that in only 1 week (next Monday), I'm should get to hear the baby's heartbeat and see the strange bean-like structure that is my child. The Little Kitty is still feeling pretty bad, but a friend at work told us to ask the doctor for Zofran when we go. It's supposed to really help with nausea. Actually, it's what they give chemo patients to keep their nausea down, so if that doesn't work I'm not sure what we'll end up doing, heh.
So life is pretty good at the moment for me. It's difficult to stretch myself sometimes and keep going when I just wanna stop for a while and play games or read or go to the toy store and look around, but that's what happens when you grow up, right? Life's only gonna get busier, but if I can keep putting the big rocks in first, all the small stuff will start following soon afterwards.
So here's to moving forward and moving on, and to pushing on ever towards that next level!
P.S.: I finally finished putting the apartment together! Woo! Not everything is on the walls yet, but the boxes are unpacked and put away. Finally put in a late night last night and finished up after work today, and it's all finally done.
That only took 2 1/2 weeks...ha.