Over the last few days Haden has been on the warpath!
We think it has to do with his molars + the realization that he can be willful. In any case, hopefully the ensuing crackdowns will put a quick stop to it in the coming weeks/days/hours. :-)
This picture from when he was just a little baby about sums it up. :-)
Alright, I think I may have found what keeps me from writing on this. Instead of thinking up some big topic and everything that goes with that, this blog is now being revamped into whatever funny little things happen and whatever pictures we happen to take as time goes on.
So in general, things will be shorter, and hopefully updated way, way more often. :-)
So for tonight:
Haden is hilarious. He is constantly babbling jokes to us, then laughing hysterically.
He also loves the Wiggles. No matter how angry or crazy he gets, you can turn it on, and it chills him out. (We don't use it all the time, we don't want it to lose it's power, lol).
So that's all for tonight. Have a good one! :-)